Donald Wayne Ashby, a beloved soul who graced world with his presence, has departed from us on April 17, 2024. Born on August 1, 1965, in Kaufman, Donald's journey on this earth was one of kindness, joy, and unwavering love.
From his days at Terrell High School to his final moments in Kaufman, Donald left an indelible mark on all who were fortunate enough to know him. Described as someone who always wore a warm smile, he embodied a zest for life that was infectious. His deep love for his family was evident in every action he took and every word he spoke. Donald's heart was vast and welcoming; to him, there were no strangers, only friends he hadn't met yet.
In the tapestry of his life, Donald found solace and happiness in the simple pleasures. Whether surrounded by family and friends or enjoying the tranquility of nature, he radiated a sense of contentment that touched everyone around him. His passion for music brought harmony to those who listened and created lasting memories for all who shared in his love for melodies.
Beyond the confines of urban life, Donald found peace in the outdoors. Whether casting a line into a serene river while fishing, stalking through the woods while hunting, or caring for his cows dads and ranch, he found fulfillment in the natural world around him. His connection to the land mirrored his deep-rooted values of hard work and dedication.
While we mourn the loss of Donald Wayne Ashby from our earthly realm, we take solace in knowing that his spirit will forever live on in the hearts of his surviving family members - a testament to the impact he had on each individual lucky enough to have crossed paths with him. May we find comfort in cherishing the memories we shared with him and carry forth his legacy of love, laughter, and kinship.
Donald's departure leaves a void that cannot be filled, but let us remember him not with tears of sorrow but with smiles that mirror his own. As we bid farewell to this remarkable man who touched so many lives during his time among us, let us honor his memory by carrying forward the values of kindness, compassion, and joy that he so effortlessly embodied.
Those left to cherish Donald's memory are his father Robert E.B. Ashby, Jr.; Donald's sister Lisa Floyd; daughter Danielle Ashby; his son Gus Ashby; Ganddaughters Nadli Ashby, Emma Cobb and Lilly Bush; nephew Chad Boszor and Donald's niece Jackie
Floyd; and other family Joyce Davis; Dixie Valentine; Brian Valentine and Dustin Valentine.
Donald was preceded in death by his mother Shirley Ashby; Grandmother's Rena Flowers and Ruby Ashby; Donald's wife Brenda Ashby and his Grandfather Rob Ashby, family Cody and Ricky Valentine.
Rest peacefully now, dear Donald Wayne Ashby. Your light will forever shine bright in our hearts and memories.